Learning to Say NO

One of my biggest struggles with singleness is learning to say no and also staying focused.  Its easy when you are single to get pulled in a million different directions.  Which apparently may be one reason I haven't dated much because apparently the guys I was interested in all thought I was to busy for dating.  Even though I was trying to stay busy until I met someone to slow down for. At one time I was working full time & over time, traveling for work, teaching at least five classes during the day and sometimes an additional three at night plus  mentoring middle school girls and helping as a youth leader at church plus co-chairing the Christian education board plus chairing the annual father daughter ball plus planning activities for mothers and daughters at church plus trying to love on my family and take care of my house and dog and teaching sunday school and singing in the choir and traveling at every opportunity plus helping organize the State Y2Y conference...then I added on a boyfriend.  Guess what? I GOT BURNED OUT!!  Eventually I ended up leaving the country for about a year and half and it was amazing.

Now that Singleness has become a life style I find myself finally learning to turn to God, to listen and to ask what He would like me to do with my time.  Sometimes its easy to envy my married friends.  Here they are with a spouse who can look at their life and say you need to slow down and take sometime for yourself or our family etc...  But when you are single people believe, including us single gals, that because we are single we have all the time in the world and our plans are super flexible.  Its hard to stop and say "Wait, I made a plan to go for a hike today or spend some time with friends or family.  Therefore I need to keep that commitment to myself."   It is especially difficult to try to explain to your bosses at work that one reason you can't come in to work some extra shifts is because you promised God you would go on a date with Him....that one can really be an awkward conversation.

But I am slowly learning that God is my covering.  I can trust in Him. He will and does gaurd , cover and protect my life; and He likes to spoil and bless me.  I have a purpose and a call for my family.  My family at this time happens to be me and my dog and my two roommates but I love it!! If I was married I would hope that my husband and I would be serving in our church and community and working on loving each other and growing in our relationships with God.  This is how I am learning to live now.  With God as my guide.  Someday when I do get married God will still be my guide and if I have learned how to listen and let God be my guide in my single life then I will lead a much happier married life.

Today is 12/12/12 My friend challenged me to write down and do three 'rad' things because it is a 'rad' date.      I decided the raddest thing to do would be a date with God and see where He takes me.  I will keep you posted on the rest of my day.  But try it yourself.  Do three out of the ordinary things to celebrate the last triple digit date any of us will ever live through!


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