good friends and living life

Stepping back into the life of pure singleness....No boyfriend....No idea if love really is in my future or not...Sitting here at the corner of 5th & Love...

I started reading a book called "Greater".  The author talks about an event with his son where he was not the great success of a father that he hoped to be a.k.a he was unable to take the training wheels off his sons bike and he was unable to teach his son to ride his bike.  However, later his son came to him for help on an idea for his younger brothers' birthday that his father was able to help him with.  In retrospect he realized that  there were certain things he was able to do very well and that part of living a great life is taking advantage and doing your best with what God has set before you and then doing it.

SO with sweat  dripping down  my red and blotchy face as I beat myself to keep going on the YMCA treadmill...loathing the way my stomach was feeling tight against my once loose shirt... I contemplated this:  HOW CAN I, in this place, a simple shoe saleswoman be greater?

I have dreams and aspirations.  Talents even ...I think.  I graduated from college I have traveled the world but in love I appear to be a failure.  I try to write.  I am working on three projects but I am stuck.  Then I remembered my roommates.  Both awesome girls, both with pasts far different from mine and I had to smile.  I may do nothing great but I can love on these girls.  I have an awesome house.  I can encourage them to be confident in their lives and do my best to serve them.

Suddenly I noticed the girl  next to me take a moment to hop up and let the  treadmill continue to spin beneath her while she took a breather on the  side. It hit me...I can do that too!  I thought I have to beat myself  no breaks!! but here is a super skinny beautiful girl taking a break to wipe her sweat, breathe and then get back on.  So I did it too I stopped and wiped my brow...with  my shirt because I had forgetten  to bring a towel...but I still  felt good taking break :-)

Its me now as I run to do my best in this season and moment that I have love.  Great Love.  I have awesome  friends and family and even a really cool dog.  All of whom love me greatly.  So this is a season to stop for a moment and breathe and look at how to keep running out this single business.  I think I can do it too and I am excited to try.

SO I went home and took down some of the Christmas decorations and I put up giant red sparkly hearts so that the rumor that started about our house is true.  We really are the house of love.  A house that is not all about romantic love but truly about the heart of love.  Loving God and loving one another.  Then my friend came over and we had pizza, a bottle of wine and discussed the 1st chapter in 2Kings and why the heck That story is in the bible.  And why God killed all those men because of one man's pride and what it could mean to us.  IT was a spontaneous bible study but  one I have wanted to do for years.  Laid back with good food, good friends and awesome conversation. Surely God has more in store for my life...possibly some romance...but right now I just love the love of good friends and loving life!


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