The Legacy of being Single

It is a new day.  The sun is shining and flowers sit on my desk..  Yes that is right, I bought myself flowers....and I love them.

 Yesterday I was sitting in a staff meeting and everyone was talking about legacy.  They all have at least one child and it was determined that the true legacy that they will leave behind is their children.  I couldn't help but tear up because I don't have that luxury.  I thought of others I know who desperately want children...married and single...and they don't have that option either.  Then what is my legacy?  I will have to ponder this.  However, later, my boss talked about her grown children and her husband encouraging her to not focus on them but that instead, their job as they grow old, is to live the richest most fulfilling life they can.  To show their children the beauty and grace of aging. 

That niggled at my mind.  That is how I want to live.  I may never marry, never have children...God only knows, but there is a great legacy in living the richest fullest life that one can.  How Lord do I do that well?  SO in my singleness whether it be for a short time, or a long time I will try to leave a rich and full legacy of loving and embracing the ups and downs of this life.  SO that when others look at me and remember my life they will remember it as well lived, possibly even enviable.  Full of beauty and richness. 

To that desire I feel I have little control,  but to love God and to try to love those around me well.  Since I usually fail at both I am writing this to say that if one should read about me in the archives of my life, and find that I have fulfilled the aforementioned desire then they will know that they read about a miracle because when it comes to me God truly has His work cut out for Him!!


  1. Love this!!! Sooo the focus I am trying to develop for my life...serving God first & foremost while trusting that He has my best in mind!!! :D

  2. Help us LoRD! Its an epic adventure with great twists and turns to follow God!


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