The beauty of travel is that each new place is sweet, alive and full of magic. As if each step you are taking is taking you from the mundane to the magical. And you are literally walking the pages of a story book. The book of someone else's life.
The colors are richer the air crackles with life....and you get to sleep is so surreal.  Its easy to get caught up in the idea that 'if I lived here!' everything would finally be perfect and make sense. If I lived here I would be happy and slow down etc...But the truth is we will always find ourselves wherever we go. Our old desires and vices will pop up again. The people we get frustrated with and hurt by will take new shape.
But a new town and a new perspective the rush of adventure reminds me why I am so glad to be single and happy to live where I do. With no kids I can hop in the car and drive down random roads forever. I can listen to the radio as loud as I want and have coffee forever with a good friend in Iowa.
God keeps reminding me that I never walk alone. And its not just my awesome dog who came with me but it's Him. He walks beside me showing me the way. I close my eyes and I pray " Our Father - not just mine but also good and loving all powerful Dad..who art in heaven"...and I start to think about heaven and how perfect everything is there and suddenly it all slips away. My My worries about different situations and people. Even my desire to get married doesn't matter.  I am just happy to sit at the Father's feet letting Him change my perspective and heart.
Now I am excited to go home. I want His will and His alone. And I know that when I return life will again feel fresh and alive as I continue to walk out the story of my life. Each day fresh and new!


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